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Stadium Rd, Near Shiv Mandir, Ekta Nagar,
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh 243005

Colon and Rectal Polyps

Rectal Polyps

It is mass or swelling arising from mucosal lining of bowel wall. It may be pedunculated or sessile. The polyp consists of rounded head and long pedicle which is attached to the mucasal surface. It my occur any where in the large intestine but most common site of polyp is rectosigmoidal region.

Clinical Feature

Rectal polyp is common in children between 3-11 years of age. Bleeding and protrusion of mass during defaecation replaced it self or digitally is the common complaints of patient. Some times there is no protrusion of mass during defaecation only bleeding is the main complaints.


Digital examination reveals pedunculated polyp freely mobile on rectal mucosa. Sometimes the polyp is delivered outside the anal orifice during digital examination.


Excision of the polyp by snare. The recurrence rate of rectal polyp after excision is 12-17% as reported in the literature.

Kshar Sutra Treatment

The polyp is delivered out at anal orifice and Kshar Sutra is ligated. The post operative review of rectal polyp treated by Kshar sutra did not show any recurrence .

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